Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Woman Faces Excommunication

What's surprising in this story is that she thinks what she's done is not important enough to merit the bishop's attention.

From Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Vandenberg, 64, said Monday that she was "startled" by the letter and
surprised that Dolan had "spent so much time and energy" on it when "other
important things" might demand his attention.

In his letter to the parish, Dolan said he was "disappointed because
Ms. Vandenberg and I had begun a fruitful dialogue on the matter last fall. At
that time, . . . I had advised her that any attempted ordination would affect
her relationship with the church.

"I believed her sincerity when she assured me that she was unaware of
such a consequence, and did not want that to happen."

Vandenberg said Dolan requested the September 2005 meeting, and in a
letter the month before it, he told her that "in the interim, you should not be
exercising any liturgical or pastoral ministry in the Catholic church lest
confusion or scandal arise among the people."