Has anyone spotted this commet yet? The pictures all seem impressive. I remember trying to find Halley's comet in a very clear night sky--one might remember the Miller Lite commercial with Bob Ueker trying to spot it.."there it is, there it is" and then he bends down to get a Miller Lite and it goes swooshing over his head--well I had a similar experience minus the Miller Lite and it swooshing over my head.
Anyway in ancient times these sightings would portend something big happening on the earth and of course in the past cults have used them for horrible undertakings.
I must say, though that the pictures I've seen of this one are impressive.
Anyway in ancient times these sightings would portend something big happening on the earth and of course in the past cults have used them for horrible undertakings.
I must say, though that the pictures I've seen of this one are impressive.